Dr Georgios Lepouras



Rehabotics Robotic system for the functional rehabilitation of the hand limb in neurological patients, (2021-2023),

Upgrading research infrastructures of the Laboratory of Human-Machine Communication and Virtual Reality (EAM-EP) of the University of the Peloponnese (2021-2023)

ENIRISST+ Intelligent research infrastructure for shipping, transport and supply chain (2021-2023)

FORESIGHT, Horizon 2020. Aims to develop a federal solution to enhance the preparedness of cyber security professionals at all levels and advance their skills to prevent, detect, respond and mitigate the effects of cyber attacks (2019 - 2022).

Virtual reality applications for Peloponnisos Prefecture. The research-study aims at investigating the potential of VR-based applications for the digital advertisement and promotion of Peloponnisos Prefecture.
Project duration 4 months (Nov 2018 - Feb 2019).

TRIPMENTOR. The project concerns the development of a bilingual service (English, Greek) in the form of a web-interactive platform/ application that will provide a personalized, integrated and unique travel experience to the visitor of the Attica region. Alternative map routes will be proposed to the traveler connected to the app for recreational purposes, including stops at the selected points of interest with real time information on cultural, recreational and athletic events. Suggestions and relative recreational proposals will match the traveler's preferences (profile type), determined through a specific internal functionality of the platform, which combines information that she/ he provides (answers to up to 5 short questions) with relative data extracted from social media. Each route includes stops that have meaningful, cultural, chronological or thematic relevance to each other, optimum duration of visit, optimal way of travel and total duration of the journey, creating personalized narration- storytelling and incorporating gamification elements, depending on the characteristics of the visitor and the weighting of her/ his personal interests.
Project duration: 2018 - 2021

PaloAnalytics. This project will develop the innovative PaloAnalytics platform that will allow companies and organizations, which operate in many countries, to monitor and analyze in depth the markets' interest to their products and successfully plan their marketing and communication strategy with data and insights collected from all the local media and presented in a common language, English. PaloAnalytics platform will cover the need of international companies to manage their reputation and compare it with the competitors. It will also allow them to investigate the impact of their products on consumers across different countries and this will be achieved with the analysis of content from sites, blogs, social networks and open data. The developed services will allow companies to identify both positive and negative comments and reports about their brand name and products and the individual features that formed the public opinion.
Project duration: 2018 - 2021.

KALAMATA 1821: Roads of Freedom The proposal aims to study and exhibit to the wider public, important local parameters of the 1821 era and their interconnections with the present, through roads of history, culture and trade. Emphasis will be given to specific aspects of the 1821 Revolution beginning in Kalamata, with important historic significance and strong interrelation with the wider area (e.g. preparation for the uprising, economic life of the region, beginning of the revolution, Navarino naval battle), in order to describe the 200 years of history and the historic correlations.
Project duration: 2018 - 2021

CrossCult": Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history project aims to spur a change in the way European citizens appraise History. Funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 693150. Three year project, started March 2016

Innovative web/mobile GIS/LBS e-Services with Augmented Reality features for the tourism sector. Research project funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology. The project focused to the technology review, design and pilot implementation of innovative mobile services for the tourism sector. Project duration: 2013-2015.

Experimedia EU FP7 project aiming at exploring “live” Social and Networked Interaction with the Future Media Internet. The target of the EXPERIMEDIA BLUE experiment is to explore the use of users’ visiting and cognitive styles in order to personalize their experiences inside a museum. (2012-2013)

Image processing techniques that improve the accuracy and effectivess of proteomic analysis This research project is funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology and aims to develop pattern recognition techniques for the analysis of proteomic data as well as new visualisation methods for the presentation of results (2005 - 2010).

DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries funded by the EU's Sixth Framework Programme started on January 1, 2004. The DELOS network intends to conduct a joint program of activities aimed at integrating and coordinating the ongoing research activities of the major European teams working in Digital Library - related areas with the goal of developing the next generation Digital Library technologies.

Intelligent management of historical archives. This research project is funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology and aims to develop methodologies and tools for the management (digitisation, storage, querying and visualisation) of the information within existing historical archives. The methods will be applied to the University of Athens historical archive, which includes manuscripts that span a period of 150 years (2003-2008).

SmartGov: A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services: Information Society Technologies project aiming to specify and develop a knowledge-based core repository for governmental transaction services and the corresponding services and applications for creating and maintaining e-services and for communicating with installed IT systems. The system implemented will be deployed and evaluated one ministry and one local authority (2002-2004).

E-Gov: An Integrating Platform for Realising Online One-Stop Government of the IST framework. The project implemented an open, extensible and scalable platform for realising online one-stop government. This platform was deployed and evaluated in three European countries, namely Austria, Greece and Switzerland.

Virtual Museums: research and technological development project, funded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology. The purpose of the 'Virtual Museums' project is to create a virtual environment along with the software tools necessary for its administration, where visitors of the participating museums will be able to view and interact with exhibits either through Internet or locally. This environment fulfils research, cultural and educational purposes (1999-2001).

Army Recruit Offices: a project aiming at analysing the current and future needs for computerising the whole procedure of maintaining the army recruits records. The project was funded by the Ministry of Defence (1997-1999).

Pharmatel: research and technological development project, funded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology. The objective of this project was the development of a system where doctors would be able to use PDAs to view patient records and write prescriptions, that would be transmitted to the hospital's pharmacy to be prepared and dispatched to patients (1995-1998).

Intelligent Tools and Techniques for Multilingual Support: research project, funded by the British Council. The project aimed at designing and implementing tools to support the interaction of non-English speakers with information systems (1994-1995).

Computers and Lattice Theory: research project, funded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology. The project aimed at exploring the application of computer techniques to aid the solution of problems in the area of lattice theory (1993-1994).

Last updated October 2018