
Chief editor

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 410

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 490

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 574

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 633

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 738

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 936

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 574

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1391

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1730

  • IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 2090

  • MDPI Topic: Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Participating journals (MDPI):

    • Algorithms

    • Entropy

    • Fractal and Fractional

    • Mathematics

    • Physics

  • Volume 495, Key Engineering Materials

  • Volume 543, Key Engineering Materials

  • Volume 605, Key Engineering Materials

  • Volume 826, Key Engineering Materials

Λοιπές Δραστηριότητες:

  • Διοργανωτής (chairman) Διεθνών Επιστημονικών Συνεδρίων

    • International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, (Annual Conference since 2011)

    • International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in the Physical Sciences (Annual Conference since 2012)

  • Μέλος Επιτροπής Προγράμματος Διεθνών Συνεδρίων ή αξιολογητής επιστημονικών εργασιών (reviewer) συνεδρίων: δέκα πέντε (15)

    • ICNAAM 2004 - 2008

    • ICCMSE 2005 - 2008

    • IeCCS 2007

    • IC-MAST 2011 - 2018

    • IC-ININFO 2011 - 2017

    • IC-MSQUARE 2012 - 2022

  • Αξιολογητής επιστημονικών εργασιών (reviewer) για τα ακόλουθα δέκα οκτώ (18) διεθνή περιοδικά:

    • Computer Physics Communications

    • Journal of Environmantal Radioactivity

    • Swarm and Evolutionary Computation

    • Mathematical and Computer Modelling

    • Journal of Mathematical Chemistry

    • Applied Mathematics and Computation

    • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

    • Journal of Univarsal Computer Science

    • Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry

    • International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

    • Molecular Simulation

    • Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms

    • Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics

    • Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

    • Computing letters

    • Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics

    • Appled Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics

    • Sensors and Actuators B