We invite you to become part of this exciting new international project and participate in the promotion and exchange of ideas in your field. Aims and Scope The European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE) is a non-profit organization. The aims and scopes of ESCMSE is the construction, development and analysis of computational, numerical and mathematical methods and their application in the sciences and engineering. In order to achieve this, the ESCMSE pursues the following activities: Research cooperation between scientists in the above subject. Foundation, development and organization of national and international conferences, workshops, seminars, schools, symposiums. Special issues of scientific journals. Dissemination of the research results. Participation and possible representation of Greece and the European Union at the events and activities of international scientific organizations on the same or similar subject. Collection of reference material relative to the aims and scope of ESCMSE . Based on the above activities, ESCMSE has already developed an international scientific journal called Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics (ANACM) . This is in cooperation with the international leading publisher, Wiley-VCH . ANACM is the official journal of ESCMSE . As such, each member of ESCMSE will receive the volumes of ANACM free of charge.
Categories of Membership European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE) Initially the categories of membership will be:
Full Member (MESCMSE): PhD graduates (or equivalent) in computational or numerical or mathematical methods with applications in sciences and engineering, or others who have contributed to the advancement of computational or numerical or mathematical methods with applications in sciences and engineering through research or education. Full Members may use the title MESCMSE. Associate Member (AMESCMSE): Educators, or others, such as distinguished amateur scientists, who have demonstrated dedication to the advancement of computational or numerical or mathematical methods with applications in sciences and engineering may be elected as Associate Members. Associate Members may use the title AMESCMSE. Student Member (SMESCMSE): Undergraduate or graduate students working towards a degree in computational or numerical or mathematical methods with applications in sciences and engineering or a related subject may be elected as Student Members as long as they remain students. The Student Members may use the title SMESCMSE Corporate Member: Any registered company, institution, association or other organization may apply to become a Corporate Member of the Society. Remarks: 1. After three years of full membership of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, members can request promotion to Fellow of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. The election is based on international peer-review. After the election of the initial Fellows of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, another requirement for the election to the Category of Fellow will be the nomination of the applicant by at least two (2) Fellows of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 2. All grades of members other than Students are entitled to vote in Society ballots. 3. All grades of membership other than Student Members receive the official journal of the ESCMSE Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics (ANACM) as part of their membership. Student Members may purchase a subscription to ANACM at a reduced rate. Special Prices for Group Members If we have application for membership from group of colleagues, then special prices can be arranged. We note also that this group of members can create in ESCMSE their section with their part in the ESCMSE News (a Magazine with the news of the Society).
Benefits of the Members of ESCMSE
Guidelines for the application for a membership in ESCMSE
a. If you select Bank Transfer you must send the Bank Slip to the Secretary of the ESCMSE via regular mail and FAX (at the fax in Greece: ++ 30 210 94 20 091 and ++ 30 2710 237 397) b. If you select Credit Card, then you must complete the attached Membership Form for Credit Cards and to send to the Secretary of the ESCMSE via regular mail and FAX (at the fax in Greece: ++ 30 210 94 20 091 and ++ 30 2710 237 397)