Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
University of Peloponnese

University of Peloponnese


Wireless and Mobile
Communications Lab


Latest News

Drone hovering during flight test in the lab.

G.Tsoulos has joined the technical committee of the 5G Research and Technology Conference - 5G SUMMIT.

The Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab has signed an NDA with Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH in order to work together towards the dynamic densification of 5G access networks using vehicles.

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Assistant Professor Georgia Athanasiadou


Georgia Athanasiadou  graduated from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 1992, and received her PhD degree from the Centre for Communications Research, University of Bristol, UK, in 1998. Georgia was a postgraduate Research Assistant at the Mobile Radio Communications Lab, NTUA (1992-1993), and a Research Assistant and then a Research Fellow at the University of Bristol (1993–1999) working on projects sponsored by NORTEL, ORANGE PCS, British Telecom, Defense Evaluation Research Agency UK, Hewlett Packard etc. She has also been an Industrial Research Fellow at the Lab of Communications Engineering of the University of Cambridge (2001–2002). Georgia has worked as a Senior Research Engineer at Adaptive Broadband Ltd, Cambridge, UK (1999–2001). Since 2002 she has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Peloponnese, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab. Her research interests include radiowave propagation modeling, ray tracing models, and network planning for wireless and mobile communication systems.

Tel. (office): +30-271-0-372217

Fax: +30-271-0-372245

email: gathanas@uop.gr

Full CV [EN],[GR]