Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
University of Peloponnese
Latest News
Drone hovering during flight test in the lab.
G.Tsoulos has joined the technical committee of the 5G Research and Technology Conference - 5G SUMMIT.
The Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab has signed an NDA with Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH in order to work together towards the dynamic densification of 5G access networks using vehicles.
Drone hovering during flight test in the lab.
G.Tsoulos has joined the technical committee of the 5G Research and Technology Conference - 5G SUMMIT.
The Wireless and Mobile Communications Lab has signed an NDA with Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH in order to work together towards the dynamic densification of 5G access networks using vehicles.
The Wireless and Mobile Communications lab (WMClab) exists since 2002 and is located at the premises of the
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese (UoP) in Tripolis, Greece (Here you can find a map).
The main research areas of the WCMlab are:
Radiowave Propagation and Modelling (empirical - statistical - deterministic with Ray Tracing - hybrid propagation modelling, spatio-temporal propagation analysis, propagation measurements and analysis including EM radiation measurements for safety)
Performance of Wireless Systems(Simulation of 2G-3G-4G systems, and air interface measurements)
Network Planning (BS-RN positioning, optimization algorithms, smart antennas and MIMO, Green Radio, radiation hazards)
Radio Resource Management (bandwidth allocation techniques, relay networks)
Smart Antenna and MIMO Systems (performance - implementation issues)
The Laboratory infrastructure includes state-of-the-art measurement tools that support modern wireless and mobile communication systems such as UMTS and WiMAX and LTE. Specifically the lab can support:EM radiation measurements (e.g. narrowband-safety)
Air interface measurements for GSM, UMTS and LTE
The WMCLab is highly involved in the academic curricula of the department. Its members are responsible for several undergraduate and postgraduate courses, undergraduate, MSc and PhD research projects, in the context of wireless communications.
The main research areas of the WCMlab are:
The Laboratory infrastructure includes state-of-the-art measurement tools that support modern wireless and mobile communication systems such as UMTS and WiMAX and LTE. Specifically the lab can support:
The WMCLab is highly involved in the academic curricula of the department. Its members are responsible for several undergraduate and postgraduate courses, undergraduate, MSc and PhD research projects, in the context of wireless communications.