Short CV

Photo of N. PlatisDr Nikolaos V. Platis was born in Athens, Greece, on 28 May 1973. Since February 2017 he is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of the Peloponnese, specializing in Computer Graphics and Visualization.

He received his BSc in Mathematics from the University of Athens in 1995, his MSc in Information Technology from University College London in 1996, and his PhD in Computer Science, in the area of Computer Graphics, from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens in 2005. He has taught courses on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Multimedia and Programming in undergraduate and postgraduate level, mainly at the Universities of Athens and of the Peloponnese. He has also worked as a programmer and software analyst and has extensive experience with many current software, programming and application technologies. His research interests lie in the areas of Graphics and Visualization, with emphasis on simplification techniques and multiresolution methods for the effective processing of three-dimensional models and visualization of multi-dimensional data, as well as the visualization of various types of information.


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